Sunday, August 22, 2010

N Korea calls for Japanese apology, reparations for colonial rule

North Korea has blamed Tokyo for being unjust by offering only South Korea for its annexation of the Korean Peninsula a century ago. North Korea though has no diplomatic relations with Japan for a long time, mainly over the incidents that has happened late 1970s and early 1980s as part of North Korea’s espionage.

North Korea has expressed anger on the Japanese for the act that happened during 1910-1945 that the Japanese forced North Koreans to become labors and sex slaves while occupying the peninsula. Japan “should make immediate apology and reparation for the hideous crimes committed against the Korean people,” the North’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by the country’s official Korean Central News Agency.

It has pressured Japan to “immediately roll back its hostile policy” towards North Korea. The statement by North Korea came about a week after Naoto Kan, Japanese prime minster, has apologized for the damages suffered by his country from the occupation and North Korea had expressed “deep remorse.” The statement by North Korea stated that Japan should repent and apologize to “all victims for the past without any precondition and discrimination.”
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